Thursday, October 1, 2015


Thursday, October, the 1st. 
We had a mathematic test. It was so easy!
Today we'll have a science and biology lesson that we usually don't have.

A) can't
B) must
C) can
D) must not = musn't
E) cannot = can't
Omar said that it's easier to hack an Instagram account than a Facebook account.
Everybody disagreed!
Raphaelle said that there are more young people on Instagram than on Facebook
beacause Facebook is older.
Astrid says that so many people go on google plus because when we go on youtube and that yourtube is indirectly google plus...
What would you think about creating a 3°5 Instagram account?
Juliette says Facebook is better to communicate and Instagram is better to post.
Omar said that Facebook was better because we can create an acount just with your
phone number.
Raphaelle says Instagram is better because... it's better!

EXERCICE 2 p 18 
Ask two questions about the pictures.
Why did Tammet write this book?
Why is he a genius?
What's the book's name?
the book's name is "born on a blue day"
What is the main particularity of the main character in the book?

Exercice n°1 p140 + What can "born on a blue day can mean?"

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