Friday, October 23, 2009

09-10-23 HOMEWORK

Chers parents, chers élèves,
une veille de vacances bien atypique aujourd'hui. De nombreux élèves étaient absents et nous n’avons pas eu le joyeux enthousiasme habituel.

Vous comprendrez sans doute que ce blog ne peut rendre compte que de mes cours en ce qui concerne notre travail de classe en anglais.

Pour l'instant, nous devons nous replier sur la solution la plus simple:

- Vous pouvez venir consulter les cahiers de texte au collège. Le Collège sera ouvert cet aprés-midi bien sur de même que lundi 26 et mardi 27 octobre. Le collège sera fermé ensuite jusqu'à la rentrée du 05/11/2009.

Je souhaite aux élèves malades et bien portants de bonnes vacances.


You like Halloween, so here are the few web addresses I used for my lesson today:

To cook and bake click here

For everything: history, costumes, cookies etc... click

For the video we saw in class and more very interesting games and topics click

For a green Halloween

Enjoy your holiday

Thursday, October 22, 2009

so you are ill...

So you are ill....
I hope it is not too bad and that the blog can help you. Let us know how you feel (in English of course) and if you need anything. Click on comment then everybody can read it. Or send me a direct email: All the best!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

How to give rice to hungry people

We all know that some people die of hunger everyday, if you want to help them play on this website .

Click on the subjects link near the top right of the page to see a list of all subjects available at FreeRice.

There is vocabulary, math, science, geography, art history, other languages and more.

The rice is paid for by the sponsors whose names you see on the bottom of your screen when you enter a correct answer. These sponsors support both learning (free education for everyone) and reducing hunger (free rice for the hungry).

The United Nations World Food Programme distributes all of the rice that you donate to help fight hunger.

THANK YOU for your help.